I Got The Vaccine


Staff Writer

On May 3rd, I became fully vaccinated. I was given my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. 

That morning I woke up knowing that today I would become fully vaccinated and I was proud. Everyone who does get the vaccine should feel proud of themselves. Those people are helping the world get back to a new normal. 

My family is very cautious and aware of Covid-19, so getting me the vaccine was a very big deal to them. Not only did I get the vaccine for my family, but for all the other families who have been affected by Covid-19 in a despairing way. I got the vaccine for all the people around me that I see on a daily basis. To keep them safe. To keep my family and friends safe. 

Overall my vaccine experience was not in any way out of the ordinary. Yes, I had headaches and soreness on my arm the next day, but that was it. I thought I would have gotten sick the day after but I was fine. I would give my vaccine experience a 10/10 and I recommend.

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