If The World Ended

Part 13

By: Sira Gonzalez 

Staff Writer 

Couple weeks passed in her room Sarah and Arlo, the new puppy, are now learning how to sit, roll,  speak,etc.  After a while of teaching Arlo new things Sarah thinks it’s time to keep going on to the next side of the building.  She stands up from the floor as well as Arlo looks up at her as if asking her what’s going on. Sarah starts to walk as Arlo follows behind, they pass the two big doors following the room she found Arlo in. They come to Elevator doors hoping  they would work, Sarah pushes the button with the down arrow. She waits a while looking around then a little beep comes from the elevator as they are opening. Sarah steps into the elevator with Arlo and looks to see the floor buttons to push. She notices there are only 2 buttons that says roof and top floor, she presses the top floor button and the doors close with a big gush of wind and a loud thump. It starts moving up and it takes no longer than 5 minutes to get up there, the doors open making another beeping sound showing Sarah a room with a desk but noticing this is where the bosses work.  Sarah steps out of the elevator noticing a big safe door in the back of the room, Sarah turns looking around side eyeing the big safe then turning her full attention to the big window as walls. She sees down to the floor as it is almost a 10 foot drop. She looks towards the other side of the room seeing pictures of men shaking hands and laughing. 

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