“Ramen Breakfast Recipe”

By: Stevie Weber

Staff Writer

Stevie’s Recipe for the Best Ramen Breakfast

  1. Acquire your favorite flavor of instant ramen
  2. Grab a pot large enough to fit the amount of ramen noodles you plan on cooking
  3. Fill said pot with water, enough to completely submerge your ramen
  4. Put the pot full of water on the stove, and set it to high to boil your water
  5. Once the water is boiling, enter your ramen (or poor the water into your ramen cup)
  6. Let the noodles soften (takes about 3 mins) and also add your flavoring if you have some
  7. Strain the water so you just have your noodles 
  8. Now, get a pan large enough to hold your noodles and turn it on to mid heat
  9. Use butter or oil to lube up your pan
  10. Place your noodles in the pan
  11. Grab as many eggs as you want, and crack them in the pan
  12. Stir until eggs are scrambled and mixed
  13. Add whatever other ingredients you want (I usually go for a type of meat ((bacon, sausage, steak, etc.)), onion, a vegetable ((bell pepper)), and cheese!)
  14. Add salt, pepper and a nice amount of garlic powder to finish out your meal
  15. Stir and mix until satisfied
  16. Put your noodle mix onto whatever you want to eat off of, and dig in! 

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