Staff Writer
The amount of wildfires happening in California right now is affecting the air quality, everyone surrounded by the fires, which includes us in the valley. Due to the dryness they have caused, this will put those with heart or lung conditions at great risk. Not only does it put those with health conditions at risk, but children, adults, and teenagers too. One of the best things you can do to protect yourself and others from the smoke is to make sure that indoor air is as clean as you can possibly make it. If you have an open fire, make sure you clean up after you’re done with it. This means to water the fire down and make sure all ash isn’t still lit. If the ash is still lit, there’s a small possibility that it can start a fire. It’s best to not rely on the masks you wear to protect yourself and others from Covid-19 due to the fact that the harmful particles from the fires are so small that they can still go through or around the mask. Make sure all doors and windows are closed so that the smoke won’t enter the house. Take care everyone!