Women’s Varsity Water Polo Tournament Gets Postponed due to Bad Air Quality


Staff Writer

Women’s Varsity water polo had a tournament last week on August 20, 2021 to the 21. They played their first game and won 17 to 0. Their second game was supposed to be against Paso Robles High School, but unfortunately was cancelled due to bad air quality. The sky was orange and the ash from the sky was dropping into the pool. Because of this the games for the rest of the day were cancelled. Coaches and referees had a meeting and decided the games that were unable to be played will have the winner be decided by a coin flip. El Diamante lost the game 50/50. On August 21, 2021 at 6am the panel of referees decided the air quality was good enough to play. The tournament continued with El Diamante winning against Monache, 7 to 4. 

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