Staff Writer
On Wednesday, August 1st, 2021 the Supreme Court let Texas pass an abortion law that has since become the most restrictive abortion measure in the United States. The law is known as the “Senate Bill 8” which prohibits abortions after six weeks. The ban is quite literally a full-on restriction of abortions because they mostly take place after seven weeks, which is when most women realize they are pregnant at all. On Tuesday night, the night before the law was placed, abortion clinics all around Texas were said to be full of desperate pregnant women trying to get abortions before it was Wednesday and it became illegal. The wait times were as long as six to seven hours, and the next day the numbers went down by a lot. The workers are fearing their jobs and what will happen to their families that need support. For them, the clinics are what give them money to support themselves and the ones they live with, and although abortions may still happen, because the restriction takes place before many of the abortions happen, the business will go down tremendously. The law also makes no exception for rape victims or incest victims, and most likely this will lead to an unwanted child. Those who decide to still get an abortion after the six weeks cannot get sued, however, doctors, staff members, counselors, people who help pay for the abortion, and even uber drivers who drop patients off to get the abortion. The sued person can be fined 10,000 dollars, exactly as much as a rapist. The children who are born that were meant to be abortions are going to be unwanted, which can result in several things, negligence, ending up in foster care, or homelessness. Foster care is a terrible and traumatizing thing for most of the kids that have to endure it, they have to go through feeling unwanted, separation from family, abuse and so much more. This could all be avoided if women had the choice. Women still need abortions, regardless of the law and regardless of restrictions, women will still find a way to get abortions, even if they are unsafe. Unsafe abortions can lead to the woman dying and of course the fetus dying. If people want to be so pro “life”, why do they not consider the mother’s life and only the unborn child? Instead of putting so much time and effort into trying to control what women can and can’t do with their bodies, why don’t they start caring about what happens to the baby after it is born? Instead of making laws to restrict women and putting so much money into babies who have not been born yet, why do they not make laws and put money into the kids who are struggling and unwanted already? Or is this just a direct attack on women? If you are not keeping in mind all the lives that this law is affecting, do not call yourself pro-life, and rather call yourself pro-birth.