The Composition of a High School Student


Staff Writer 

Serves: Half of a college student and your last relationship

Difficulty: Yes… 

Preparation Time: A lot 

Cooking Time: Four years and your dignity for the next eight

Necessary ingredients: 

  • Sporadic existential bread 
  • Bleeding heart, medium rare 
  • Brining solution, one part tears, one part sodium chloride
  • 1 heaping cup of bitter – I mean, butter 
  • ¼ teaspoon of heated debates
  • ½  teaspoon of unnecessary apologies, to counteract the strength of the debates 
  • 2 oz. DMV lines longer than your list of reasons to give up 
  • ½ cup of euphoric feelings, warmed 
  • Sprinkle of obnoxiously red track rubber on the soles of your shoes 
  • Dash of leaving in the middle of a football game for something more promising 


Place all of the ingredients in a plastic bag and hit it with a rolling pin. Once the ingredients lose their sense of identity, dump the remnants out of the bag and place them in a pot with a lack of depth. It should remind you of every friendship you had as a child. 

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