Police Authority 

 By Mike Saeleaw-Rodriguez

   Staff Writer

On 9/25/2021 I was stopped by the police. The reason I was pulled over by the officer was because I was wearing red and went over the stop limit line . He said the reason he also stopped me was for being suspicious. The main reason was for wearing red, no real reason for pulling me over. He stopped me and asked for my drivers license and if I had anything in the car that was a threat or any drugs then he proceeded  to tell me to roll down the back windows. He then told me to step out of the car and if he could search me and the vehicle but no real cause of doing so. He searched my car and then searched my driver license and said I was all good and able to leave. There was no real reason for him to stop me or search my car. His reason was because I was wearing the color red. These are some things that people and officers should know about. This was not a reason to stop and search my vehicle. They should not be able to pull you over for wearing a colored shirt. Later that night I was dropping my friend off at his house down the road from where I was pulled over and another officer was about to pull me  over again. He followed me and turned his lights on for a couple seconds then left. These are some things officers shouldn’t be able to do just because of a color.

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