Ms. Nelson Interview


Staff Writer

El Diamante is under a new reign as Mrs.Nelson, former vice principal, takes on the role of principal. The campus has a new sense of strength and unity that corresponds with the numerous goals that Mrs.Nelson has set, not only for herself, but for the school as a whole.  

Ms.Nelson has been teaching for 23 years but this year marks her fourth year at El Diamante. Although she has become principal in a time that is extremely difficult with Covid-19, she has exceeded any expectations set for her, making El Diamante thrive through these struggles. She hopes that through vigorous organization and hard work that the campus will return to “normal” as soon as possible. She becomes inspired by people who overcome great odds and diversity, using that motivation in her personal and school life. This motivation led her to want to improve our campus culture, facilities, and to eventually start working on a stadium which I’m sure everyone can look forward to.

She would like everyone to know that she is 100% committed to El Diamante High School, wanting this school to be one that people look forward to attending. Wanting this to be a school that teachers want to teach at. Wanting this to be a school that administrators want to stay at. And she fully intends to make it this way.

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