Effects of Being Quarantined

Staff Writer

Well here I am, being in a place I never thought I’d be in. QUARANTINED. Luckily I don’t have Covid, but for other people’s safety I’m being quarantined. It’s not all bad, getting to have time to study, maybe catch up on some shows and well mostly that’s it. Not a lot to do when you’re stuck in the house. One thing that I’m most keeping track of is my grades and catching up on work I’ve missed. That math grade is not looking too hot but I’ll get it up sooner or later. When I’m not doing homework I watch some new shows or catch up on other shows. Has anyone watched “Squid Game” yet? Pretty popular show across the whole world right now and really good, recommend it myself. When I get back to school I’m looking forward to seeing my teachers and friends again, I miss them all.

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