Mental Health Practice


Staff Writer 

Recently, the other day at practice we started as we normally would but after stretching our coach had us stop, grab a piece of paper and write down all of our problems. When she walked in she could tell that all of us just looked over it and not in the right mindset. We looked overwhelmed and tired more than anything. So when she gave us that chance to write down our feelings, on a piece of paper it was something we all made sure we took advantage of.

After finishing writing our feelings down she had us crumble it as tight as we could then we threw it across the room. My coach’s plan was originally to have us grab someone else’s paper and read it to see if we would be able to relate in any way, but instead we thought it would be a better idea if we individually shared out. 

So for the ones that were comfortable, each had their moment to share out loud. All the things that they said about what they were going through helped me personally so much because they were so relatable to the point where it put even those listening into tears. It showed how powerful and strong each girl is because they’ve come so far and still continue to fight everyday. 

A mental health practice is something that was able to comfort all of us in our own way. It made us realize that we aren’t ever alone in what we go through. It helped us realize that we always have others who are going through the same things. It gave all of us a chance to really open our eyes and notice that we need to be there for one another because you never know what’s going on in someone’s life. 

Throughout this year we’ve learned that our coaches are always there for us and they are people we can trust and that they are someone we’re able to go to when we are just having a bad day. Which is something that helps a lot knowing that we don’t have to hold our problems in or have to worry about telling our parents. This mental health practice was able to bring all of us closer together and just show us that what we are going through, we will all be able to get through it with time. 

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