School’s Killing Me


Staff Writer

We are almost halfway through this first semester and school’s killing me. My teachers are constantly slamming me with homework. I do the homework on time and try to put out my best quality of work. I get good grades on my homework, but my personal life takes a beating so my academic life can thrive. I find myself doing homework all days of the week, often until late at night. You might think that I procrastinate doing my work. I do not procrastinate. On the average day, I get at least four homework assignments. Each assignment can take me from fifteen minutes to an hour. I am faced with the daunting task of balancing sports, homework, and my personal life. With all the homework I have, I barely have time to see my friends. One of my friends has asked me to hang out with her three times in the past month, and I have had to decline each time because my teachers slammed me with homework that weekend. If I can make it to my youth group, I often have to leave right as it ends because I have to go home and do my homework, leaving me little time to talk with my close friends. I find myself asking myself this question: is it really all worth this? Is it really worth letting my social life suffer just so I can get that A+? Will I even reach my goal? School’s killing me.

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