The Ballet of Noises 

By Anonymous

Staff Writer

The Sounds coming from these things called speakers began to have louder frequencies of noise, I fell to my knees as the white cloth of the clothing pressed against the cold wooden floor. I covered my ears in distress but the rhythm became an addiction, such words and such meanings connected to others’ worlds have different effects on what we do. Our emotions tied around like a string to these sounds as if we were one with them, dancing to the rhythm as if it was controlling our body but the signals sending off our brain make us want to follow the rhythm.

I press my hand against the floor slowly as the rhythms flow through the ground. It was addicting to hear such voices blend in with one another as if they were trying to communicate with one another. What songs make you feel some sort of emotion? Understanding that not everyone has the same type of music as one another but it is the fun game of it all, it is different, it’s unique. It doesn’t matter what others listen to as long as it makes them feel some sort of spark unlike no other, music helps console those feelings, these breakthroughs, these some sort of pain we go through just to feel something that we consider comforting.

With such a grip on us, this reality has it hurts every moment but these unique words coming from others, the way they synchronized with each other making it something personal to which we could relate to. Each has a different meaning to us but why does it make us feel like if others hear it, we will be judged because it is not similar to others. 

We list each group we know, each artist, each genre, each emotion it gives off to us but why does it bring off such different thoughts to everyone? Why compare to others, it’s your music, your sound, it’s something that creates a joy that others sing for you to enjoy whether it’s something nobody is used to hearing.

Emotions in which songs give us (Provided from one perspective, it may not be similar but it creates strong emotions for the writer);

Joy – Dance Dance; Day6

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