Why Data Collection is Dangerous 

Data collection from the internet such as surveys and websites that download information from your phone and use it to fuel ads and to sell it to profit off of it is dangerous. The past few years have been easier for websites to gather data from people for whatever reason they have to use it. Google is facing a lawsuit from the Department of Justice because they have been storing all google searches inside of files with everything that everyone has searched on their computer. They have used this information to put ads on their computer and sell it to other sources and some have been identified as the CIA and other companies like Amazon and other shopping websites and companies. This has been an invasion of privacy of all American citizens and it’s a violation of the 4th amendment. Data breaches have been around since early 1985 when many Americans had their credit history exposed to everyone. When your data is leaked it will give you more accountability for your actions for something you may have been curious about or something you have done before, as well as everyone being able to see and acquire information about you and all of your personal information. The risks of them collecting data can never be eliminated as long as it is used on the website. It is always saved on a server that anyone can access if they can hack into it or there can be a human error and it can cause huge issues for everyone if all data is leaked. Data person

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