Self reflection- Interview with a student


Staff Writer

I had a request to write an article on depression and I thought what could be better than an interview. Thus giving you two more points to view. 

When I think of depression I think of my thoughts overpowering my mind. It’s a voice in my head that tears any type of self esteem I have.  Someone else might “ feel like there falling in a whole and they [I] can’t get out.” You on the other hand might feel something different, maybe it feels like you’re laying under the ocean staring up at all the waves crashing on the top of the water as your lungs collapse. There are lots of different feelings of depression.  A great rapper has influenced that “pain is a lack of understanding” and that “there are many ways to deal with pain, choose wisely”. Everyone in this world matters point blank period and depression is a real thing. Everyone wakes up on different emotional levels. We all go through depression however we all deal with it differently and this is why we all have different outcomes. So please choose wisely. You have an entire family that you influence and remember, “ yuuusss gotzz taa see it thru ma boi”

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