Speed Limit Enforcement


Staff Writer

The speed limit in a school zone while students are present is 25 mph. Why is it that this law seems to be broken by many people?

As soon as the bell in school rings for lunch, students rush out of the gates and speed away for lunch. While these cars are going fast, they fail to slow down for a few feet around the school. During lunch many students are walking on the sidewalk, skating on the road, and using their scooters in the bike lane. At these times, students are present, meaning that the speed limit of 25 should be followed. Is it really followed? No.

Why is it that people won’t take the time to slow down for a few minutes when driving by school zones when students are present? By taking one minute longer to get to lunch, you could be saving a student’s life. There is a high risk of hitting the kids that are riding in the bike lane, especially when driving at “normal” speeds, which can sometimes be 20 or 30 miles per hour over the speed limit in a school zone. 

Sadly, It is not just students going to lunch that do not listen to the speed limit, it is also people driving by. Anytime one person follows this speed limit, the car gets honked at, people pass them up, and people ride their tail. 

Police should be taking part in this event. The police are not stopping and giving people tickets for not obeying the laws, when will this stop? The police should be by the school in order to reinforce this law.

Not only is speeding taking place on public roads, many students and parents are speeding in the parking lot, while students are trying to walk through the parking lot. 

These speed laws should be enforced and followed. These laws are not just suggestions and following them could save a life!Understanding the Motivations Behind SpeedingSpeeding In A School Zone in New York | VTL 1180(c)What to Do When You Get a Speeding Ticket - NerdWallet

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