The Smallest Monkey Breed

Staff Writer

Pygmy Marmoset | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants

The smallest monkey breed known is called Pygmy Marmoset. They are also nicknamed the finger monkey. Their body length could be around 4.6 to 6.2 inches long and they can only weigh up to 5 ounces. The tail is twice their body length going to 6.8 to 9 inches. Their average lifespan is from 5 to 7 years; however, they could end up living to 16 years old. They are located in the rainforests of the western Amazon Basin in South Africa. These creatures have a diet that consists of anything that can ooze out of a tree or plant. They are in groups of 6 to 9 and they are in a group called troops. Their looks are very deceiving. They are territorial and very feisty creatures. They are quick to defend themselves from creatures that might be harmful to them. From how small they are prey to birds, snakes and wild cats. Other than being feisty creatures, they are very playful with one of another. When they are playing they will create a screeching sound, bite, scratch, and throw feces at each other. Pygmy’s are currently status vulnerable. This means that they aren’t yet in danger but are close to becoming endangered. The causes of this happening is from climate change, mining, deforestation, and oil palm cultivation. 

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