Scott Pilgrim VS the World: The Game (Switch) – A Fast Paced Retelling ‌


Staff‌ ‌Writer‌

Buy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World™: The Game – Complete Edition from the  Humble Store

Quick Note: The version of the game discussed in this article is the Ultimate Edition which makes several minor changes from the original launch version such as including all previous dlc characters or changing how some moves may work.

Surprisingly it was neither the movie or the original comic series that brought my attention to this title but instead, it’s a sense of rarity, a couple years before the ultimate edition’s release this title had been deleted on all digital stores consoles and PC. I had been interested in playing it for a long time as its unique cartoony visuals were appealing along with its catchy music and great story concept to go along with it. 

The story is quite simplistic within the game when compared to the comic but it still retains the basic formula of every chapter focusing on Scott Pilgrim making his way to duel another one of his new girlfriend’s, Ramona Flowers, Seven Evil Ex-boyfriends. Sadly much of the more emotional and dramatic aspects of the story between primary characters from the comics aren’t present but that can also be seen in a good way as not only does it make both experiences feel quite different but it still brings one interest to the source material to learn even more about the characters and story.

The combat and gameplay in this game is VERY similar to the likes of the Kunio-kun series to a point where it feels like a game within the series, this was definitely appealing to me as that series is something I’m strongly attached to as I grew up playing those titles. All levels are structured as mainly straight lines subject to hundreds of enemies and obstacles and sometimes even platforming. To attack you mainly only have to mash either strong or weak attacks as the game is built to handle fast-paced combat but with terribly punishing attacks, so although you may always feel strong the enemies keep a sort of balance in the fights. 

The main attraction though is the boss fights, they are hyped up throughout the levels as these major moments where Scott (or whatever character you chose) is forced to battle in a one on one duel. They make you feel weak as they all perform massive attacks and use powers unseen by any other enemy, and their splash screens only add to their dramatic effect, their all great moments.

I genuinely loved this game and definitely plan to play through it with all the characters I never got a chance to try out. I knew I had to check out the comics after beating it and that only made it so much better as the original comics are very exciting reads and they don’t take up too much time to finish. I highly suggest this game to fans of the comic or movie and even those who’ve never touched the series before as I think it’s just that great of a game where you won’t even need to know the source material to get the maximum enjoyment.

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