Staff Writer
Kyle Rittenhouse had his trial recently and the results might be coming out today on whether Kyle may walk as a free man or if he will go to prison. Kyle Rittenhouse is an innocent man and he did not kill anyone and he ran away when he had the chance to run away. Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial was from start to finish a wild goose chase. The lawyer for the prosecution had asked Kyle if he played Call of Duty and asked if the goal was to kill people with guns in the game. Kyle’s lawyer is calling for a mistrial as he accused the prosecutor’s lawyer of misconduct. One of the prosecutors had admitted that the lawyer had asked them to change what they were going to say so that they may send him to prison. Mr. Rittenhouse claimed to have been assisting people and only brought his ar-15 as protection, but he claimed he didn’t think he would need it. Two men ended up being killed, with a third injured, which led to the court case.