My Favorite Faeries 


Staff Writer 

As someone who strongly believes in Faery folk, I have my favorite faeries, so let’s start! These do not have a specific order, it’s just a list. All of the faeries mentioned are found in Edain McCoy’s 1998, A Witch’s Guide to Faery Folk.

  1. Kolbalds (Coe-bolds), are a dwarf faery who lives in houses and are typically seen wearing brown knee-pants and little red felt hats in Scandinavia. As being a house dwarf, they are known to be helpful sometimes but most of the time they want to live in a house rent free while getting all the benefits of living in the house. So let’s say you have Kolbalds in your house and you ignore them. They will become abusive in the form of a poltergeist type activity. The only reason why I like them is because when they get ignored they get angry and that just makes me giggle. Like why do they want to be known and given food and milk, it’s just funny to me. And they are shockingly easy to get out of houses. All you gotta do is smoke them out with incense cvb n . The whole vibe of them being just “I live in your house, you give me food but if you ignore me I will become a poltergeist” is just funny to me. 
  2. Boggarts, also known as hobgoblins, goblins, padfoots, and a lot of other names; are pretty cool. They are little mischievous faeries who don’t offer much help, but instead love to make a mess of things and destroy everything around them that’s neat. But besides that they really don’t have a good attitude. Boggarts like to frighten people and terrorize small kids by stealing their food and trying to smother them, for shame on the little hobgoblins. Them being just extremely mischievous and overall evil little creatures is interesting, I wouldn’t like to have a boggart in my house if it meant nothing was kept nicely and things were misplaced, the amount of times I lose things is just outrageous and I blame it on them. Honestly, boggarts are just good scapegoats if something had gotten lost or became a mess. 
  3. Fays, your typical faeries. A good example of these in the media today would be Tinkerbell and her friends. They aid in the changing of seasons and that’s when they are most active during the year. They do have other m names and the first on being fatum which is latin for faith and then the other names came like fae, fada, fee, and a couple others. They are known to be tiny and have wings, they like to tease and be capricious but they aren’t mean at all. When I read about this faery it reminded me of Tinkerbell and my childhood and it made me really happy. It’s just pretty cool having accurate faeries in the media but that can also go for Santa Claus. Just an accurate representation of anything is pretty cool. Tinkerbell is just a huge part of a lot of kids childhood and it made me kinda happy.  

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