Thoughts on College


Staff Writer  

Some people think that you have to go to college right after high school if you actually want to do something with your life, however, this is not necessarily true. You can go to college at any time. It doesn’t have to be right after high school. Going into college right after high school without having any idea what you truly wanna major in is never a good idea because it will most likely result in students giving up and dropping out. Another negative thing about this is that they will have to owe back the money that they used from the school. That’s why it is in your best interest to wait until you know what you want to do so you have a goal set for yourself and then go to college. And if you already know what you want to do great, go to college. With that being said I decided I don’t want to go to college right now because I don’t know what I want to do, college isn’t going anywhere so there’s plenty of time to figure out what I would like to do with my life. In the meantime, I will continue working after high school full time, saving money,  and thinking about what I want for my future.

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