Christianity: Is the existence of God a hoax?


Staff Writer

Ever since the first century, Catholicism and Christianity had been the leading religion for over a millennia. Beliefs of the Abrahamic god have surpassed lifetimes that to this day are revered as the embodiment of righteousness and joy. Judaism, Islamic, and Christianity have immortalized the monotheistic belief that a single god, one who is all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful, created us all in his image. In a world with sin, one often questions the point of it all. If God can give power, he can take it away. After all, He is the all-powerful deity that rules over the dimensions of being. However, it remains a mystery how the existence of our God came to be. Some say that Faith isn’t enough, and some attest that Faith in Jesus Christ is absolute. The Bible is dignified to be the tome of wisdom that contains the stories of those tasked by God to help humanity. The age of this relic has lived so long that it continually has been revised, refurbished, and perhaps questionably altered. Nobody can really determine the tangibility of our Lord’s being as he continues to be absent. The church has evolved and immortalized its social standing over the years yet it offers no information where its funding is directed despite its disconnection from the government’s control. Most Churches are privately-owned. Does that mean the donations are being directed to the private owner? Are the donations enough to fund the building’s expenses every Sunday? Priests and nuns have been reported to be earning modest pay which is typically stated to be half of the general consensus of income. However, Priests and nuns alike often have their needs provided for such as suitable housing, food, and clothing. Members of the church wear uniforms, pray in unison and practice their faith with the Daily Bread. But is trust ever enough? If lies can be told, then the existence of God may be the biggest lie to be uncovered. Yet its social standing is immortalized and all over the world, people pray from this all-powerful ruler. What is the definition of love to a god if he continues to exist within and out of time and simultaneously, through every universe in every timeline? How does a God respond to the eternal suffering and joy of the infinite number of beings he creates? Would he mourn or would he be numb to what he already knows?   

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