Last Week of Finals Schedule


Staff Writer

This upcoming Monday will be a regular late start day and the dress up will be pajama day. On Tuesday it will be every period; however, there will be no 

late start. The bell will ring at 8:09am and get out at 3:16pm. On Tuesday dress up will be wear your 

Best Christmas outfit or wear an ugly sweater. There will be cocoa and cram that day from 3:30pm-5pm. On Wednesday you will have your 2nd and 4th-period finals. If you have a 0 period then you will be taking that final on Wednesday also. Cocoa and cram will be provided after school.

from 12:30pm to 2pm. On Thursday you will be taking your 1st and 3rd Period Finals. There will be no cocoa and cram provided after school; however, there will be a band concert that night at 7pm.

On Friday you will be taking your 5th and 6th period finals.

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