Ode to My Best Friend 


Staff Writer

  Oh me, oh my, have you grown. Once a girl and now a woman, you are finally eighteen. My partner in crime, life force, the Thelma to my Louise, oh how I love you with all I have. You listen to me, love me, support me, laugh with me, give what you can, and for that, I’m always grateful. You are more than funny and supportive, you are the definition of love and the light in my endless tunnels and every conversation and time spent is always the best part of my day. Our lives are changing in an endless roller coaster, we’re branching out into the world with so much anxiety and fear, it comes in waves that have me tumbling. But every doubt and spoken fear is met with a determined peace of mind and suddenly the waves are no longer consuming, rather I can pass through freely and trust I will make it through. You give me the strength, the mental push, the attention that can feel so warm and unfamiliar. I’d jump into any abyss for you, I’ll be by your side no matter what, I’d follow you to hell and back. We are not blood-related but we are thicker than water or blood, we are tied to one another and a constant. You’re a wonderful being, I thank your mother’s existence every day for having made you. Happy Birthday. 

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