Self-reflection- Mental and Physical Health


Staff Writer

The longer I live the more I learn that no one will be there for you other than yourself. You have to accept the good and the bad about yourself and accept it with confidence. If you have no shame then they have absolutely no power against you. Life is all about perspective. If you stay positive through a bad day,you will end your day with a sense of happiness and accomplishment because you just went through your day with no expectations. 

Now lets flip the perspective you physically are having an amazing day; people are complimenting you’ you had extra time when you woke up this morning, you’re prepared for your day but you get a call from work saying they need you to stay longer so now you can’t go out with your friends. Now your mind is stuck on “ I hate work” “ they don’t respect my time” instead of “ im gonna get overtime for this” “ im getting paid”. Perspective can change a million things. 

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