Staff Writer
The time has come. After a brief conversation with my mom, she agreed on signing the form on the condition of me staying at the house until graduation. It’s surreal now, all these worries and fears that have been bottled are starting to seep out in a confusing stream of paranoid thoughts. Am I making a mistake? I never held much value in the idea of high school. I never went to a school dance, never really was involved with after-school activities. But it wasn’t all bad. It wasn’t very bad at all, It’s just not for me. I go back and forth with the anxiety, the build-up of actually turning in the paper has me anxious and almost dreading it at times. But I look at my time here at EL DIamante, and I won’t lie I will miss it. I’ll miss Ms. Moore and her understanding, the students I’ve known since elementary I probably will only ever see on social media now. I feel like I’m growing up and I’m almost scared. Almost is the keyword here. Once the initial wave of fear, anxiety, doubts start fluttering away and I can think clearly, I’m no longer afraid of change. Of taking a leap into the unknown, from here all bets are off of how my life will be going forward. I want to thank my teachers that supported me and helped me, not just in high school but shaped me into who I am now. I like who I am overall, I know I’m smart, resilient, and a damn good employee. I’m happy to see the change in people over the years, from kids I knew in 2nd grade that are now high school seniors on their own paths in life. Some faces I don’t think I’ll ever see again and others I hope I don’t lose touch with. This next semester I hope to grow into myself, shed myself of all the doubts, anger, frustration, annoyance, loneliness, and toxic cycles I go through internally. From elementary to high school, I’ve fallen in love and got my heart broken, excelled in school at the last minute, and realized I’m worth more than what I originally thought. Thank you for all the memories, the academic stress I needed at times, the passing of notes “Do you like me: Check the boxes ‘Yes’ or ‘No’”. I’ll cherish it all just the same, I feel dramatic having all these doubts now when I’ve been wanting this for years. Now it’s finally here and despite the rush of bad sensations, I know it will be worth it. Thank you for the years, the education, the laughs. Just thank you!