Staff writer 

Nothing gets on my nerves more than someone who is ALWAYS negative. People who are constantly negative about everything are so draining and exhausting to be friends with. This doesn’t apply to people who complain when necessary, this applies to people who are negative and constantly talking bad about others and themselves. 

A prime example of this type of person would be someone who genuinely cannot be happy for you, you bring up a good experience you had or something you did that makes you proud, and they make it about themselves by either saying that they’ve done better or they bring up a bad experience they had to make you feel guilty for feeling good or they try to downplay what you’re proud of to make it seem like it isn’t even something that good. “I had a really good day with my dad” “I can’t remember the last time my dad told me he loved me” “I got second place in the race” “Well there were only ten people in the race”. Or, a friend that CONSTANTLY uses you as a therapist, and never lets you speak about one bad day without making it about themselves. They constantly make it feel like a competition about who had a worse day when in reality you just want them to be there for you like you are there for them. They will send you paragraphs about their day, and you’ll be there for them, but the second you bring up that you had a bad day it’s “damn. Well this happened today”. This ESPECIALLY goes for those who purposefully embarrass you in front of others in order to seem funny. They’ll say demeaning things to you like “why do you walk like that”, “why did you get all dressed up today”, and “that outfit doesn’t even suit you why do you even have it” all in front of others to be “funny” when there are 100 million other ways to be funny. 

These types of people are my biggest pet peeves. The never being happy for you, never being there for you, and constantly making you feel less all as a way of humor, is completely exhausting and draining. There are two solutions to this, talking to them and telling them exactly how you feel, or just completely dropping them, which is completely understandable and needs no explanation. 

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