New School Policies


Staff Writer

Currently, at El Diamante High School there have been a few new rules/policies added to help the students be more successful. There is a bathroom policy where the students must fill out a google form of the day and time they went to the restroom, and they can’t get let out unless they do so. There are also new bathroom passes for every class, and they are color-coded to certain buildings on the campus. Each color represents where the student should be with the pass, and what bathroom they should be using. This helps to keep students from wandering around the campus and not being far from their class. Another rule is the phone policy which implies that phones aren’t allowed at all in class, and if you do have it out the teacher then gives you a yellow envelope to put it in and it stays on your desk for the rest of the period. Each time the student doesn’t listen or do so, the consequences get worse and worse and result in a meeting with their learning director or parents being called. Overall there have been many controversial opinions on these new changes and many discussions about them. 

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