The Paradox of Life


Staff Writer

Many forgot that high school is just a stepping point to the wild adventures of your future, and because of this adults will often tell us, “You’re an adult now act like it” which is ironic because as soon as we turn our backs they treat us like children. A prime example of how the school treats us like children is these new policies that have been put in place. If you want to go to the restroom during class be prepared to take 5 minutes just to sign out and then 5 minutes when you come back to fill out the same sign-in log. The new bathroom policy also includes carrying a paper-sized hall pass around your neck or wrist, making you feel as if you are in kindergarten again.

Although these policies may be juvenile, are they necessary? Let’s think back to when the trend “devious licks” was very popular; soap dispensers were stolen, bathrooms were vandalized, teachers’ belongings were also stolen, etc… Some students acted like mischievous children, however, that small percentage now accounts for the whole student population; all students are now regarded as mischievous children and will be treated as such.

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