Can I See Your Manager?


 Staff Writer

The media is filled with myths and such mysteries are really derived from a real experience. One of them, in particular, is the stereotypical notion of a white, entitled woman named “Karen.” The name “Karen,” per say, isn’t necessarily a determined name but rather a label to identify the self-righteous and arrogant older people that mistreat those who do service. Fast-food and retail workers are common victims of their arrogance and dismay. Complaints are frequent and the tiniest, most miniscule issues are presented like it’s the end of the world. Most “Karens” are wary of the service that is presented to them and use a businesses’ compliance to their advantage. Some have genuine complaints and some seem to use their dirty tactics of screaming and threats, only to save them a dollar less than what they pay for. Stereotyped as mean, entitled, conservative, and extremely sensitive to criticism and offensive humor. Karens follow the rule of “the customer is always right” and care little about the trouble they create around the places they go to. Though stereotypes aren’t necessarily true, one might find videos of them throwing tantrums at a local Walmart about missing the 25% discount of last week on toilet paper rolls. It’s fascinating, the extent to which how despicable human beings can be to their fellowmen so they can appease their self-serving greed. Is it really worth the coupon you’re throwing tantrums over? The ruthlessness of your actions to get a free box of fries. Others seem to wonder where the entitlement comes from and why little action is made towards these people. Though little can be made towards those expressing their opinions aggressively as opposed to violent tendencies. Change must be made and respect should be given to those who are willing to carry the shame of doing such minimal jobs. The constant disrespect to those who do services such as retail workers and janitors must be eliminated since they are people living equal lives such as us. Their lives should be treated kindly for taking on the societal pressure that surrounds jobs like these. Myths are made about them and the easiest assumption to make is that they failed at their decision-making and education to be in a minimum wage position. Some of it may be true, others are on their way, and a few are victims of the extreme harshness of this world.

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