Why Are Chips So Addictive?


Staff Writer

Photo credits to the Daily Hive

Most people have dealt with the urge of continuing to eat a bag of chips. Why is that? Well, it’s a fairly simple answer. Inside a potato chip, it has two things: salt and fat. Salt triggers the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical messenger that controls your brain’s pleasure center. Eating more salty foods can create a reward system. If you would like to go more in-depth with the psychology with salt there is a wonderful article from NCBI. Some of the information from this article was used from the NCBI article “Salt craving: The psychobiology of pathogenic sodium intake”.  Chips have an unnecessary amount of fat inside of the chips. Fat is supposed to make the meals become more satisfying and filling for the consumer. Since the fat is the only thing filling you, salt is creating a craving. Naturally, you would continue overeating until you finished a whole bag. 

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