Staff Writer
Russia and Ukraine are having increased tensions as Russia is still pushing onto the Ukrainian border. Russia is pushing onto the border because of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2014 that increased tensions based on the ties, tensions, and the outright hostility received from Ukraine because they were no longer communist after the collapse of the USSR. Ukraine no longer being a part of the USSR and becoming a neutral state in 1991 Russia and declaring its independence from the soviet union gave way for Russia to push onto the borders as a show of force and intimidation. Ukraine is part of NATO and the U.S. is a part of NATO as well and Biden was considering sending troops to help reinforce Ukraine in case of an attack. Tensions then rising between the US and Russia diplomacy is failing between the states and many US citizens feel that we may be on the brink of WW3. China is assisting Russia not by directly helping with the invasion but they have asked Russia not to invade Ukraine until after the Olympics because they are showing increased aggression towards Taiwan and the government has made theories as to why China would do this is because China may be planning with Russia to invade Ukraine at the same time that China may invade Taiwan. Though it may not be confirmed that this may happen China says they do not agree with Russia’s methods of invasion they seem to not care and are only asking “they do not invade Ukraine at this time” until the Olympics have concluded.