Kim Jong-Un’s Castle


      Staff writer

North Korea, a country known for its tremendous expense of militarism, is notorious for its poor hospitality to its citizens. Ruling over a totalitarian dictatorship presides over an authoritarian attitude, named Kim Jong-Un. Taking over his father’s and his father’s mantle, Kim is known as the “Great Successor” or the “Supreme Leader of North Korea” as their law stresses that he shall be given the power that usurps any while taking responsibility for the nation’s endeavors. Despite his enormous duty to his people, Kim is insensitive to the welfare of his citizens as he prioritizes his country’s expensive weaponry. Kim also has a reputation for abusing his privilege and access to luxury unbeknownst to his people. North Korea all over, has little to no access to electrical power, money, or food supplies except for the house and government that Kim presides over. He also has used government money for alcohol and parties. Kim runs his own agenda and to be expected, some laws such as human rights have not been improved. Possibly due to his responsibilities amongst other factors in the country. Regardless of this difficulty, Kim is the highest-ranking authority and North Korea is under his control. Instead of focusing on enterprise, business, and international trade, which China currently has a monopoly over, a lot of the country’s expense is shown to be used on artillery and nuclear weapons. Some of them have been recently reported to be strong enough to “reach the United States” and “shake the world” as claimed by the Nation itself. Kim is responsible for his obvious jurisdiction over the military and yet he, along with North Korea continues to support the focus of firepower unlike its successful counterpart, South Korea. Unlike the North, the South is famous for its sudden success in the world of pop culture, enterprise, and economic uprising. Given its history, only the South has done any civil action towards the rights of its people while also maintaining a steady economy and military. Someone or some of us needs to take action against his tyranny so we can put an end to his dehumanizing control upon the Korean people.

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