Nihilism, Drug Culture Now The New Norm In America 


Staff Writer 

To the young adults/teenagers or kids of modern-day America, nihilism along with heavy drug use is normal, with it being almost expected to consume it along with being nihilistic. However, to the older, conservative generations this is a total shock to them. Many young Americans don’t go to church or believe in God anymore, with even some openly saying “God is dead ” or openly criticizing religion. But even with young Americans who are Christians, they don’t really follow Christian morals, values, or teachings, preferring a more secular view of their surroundings. Drugs have skyrocketed among young adults, with teenagers abusing them a lot. 

Nihilism is normal or even expected with many people having the belief there is no God, or spiritual string, with nothing matters, but all you can do is have fun. This has led to hedonism with many people believing that since there is no God, nothing matters in the end with the fact we are going to die one day, why not have self-destructive fun? 

This has led to many kids acting recklessly, consuming massive amounts of drugs, junk food, or not having respect for anything because nothing matters. 

The media also pushes this messaging, elites do this too with many celebrities having this nihilistic attitude, with hedonistic behavior. The media shows this lifestyle as cool, awesome with no responsibilities. 

This can be traced back to the end of WW2, with the baby boomer generation being a factor in this too. Men came back after the war seeing the horrors of war, they started to think that there was no God, because why would God cause all this suffering, they also started to rebel against the mainstream way of thinking in the 1940s-1950s society. Some of the worn-out men questioned religion, governments, morals, with social standards. This laid way for the counterculture of the 1960s, who actively rejected authority, rejected good social standards that were created for a reason, along adopted the “let the good times roll” way of thinking. They had their fun but this created a disaster for the upcoming generations, with many kids seeing the reckless behavior of the past in a positive light as their boomer parents did it so why not them? 

This can be fixed with having a guiding principle in society, a community to belong to, with a non-corrupt government that earns its authority/respect. Many kids now reject a guiding principle, following their own code which often clashes with others’ values with the fact their code may not be good at all. The rejection of social standards can either be good as kids are rebelling against an oppressive value or be bad as the value was created for a reason, tearing down a value can progress society or threaten to destroy it. We need decent values that people need to respect and understand why it was created in the first place. A national community needs to be built as many Americans hate each other as they are divided through, policy, race, divine belief, nationality, ethnicity, culture, background, even region or state. We need to understand that we are all Americans with one country because if we don’t have that mindset, the country will go through a civil war, as even back in the 2000s many Americans disagreed with each other but they didn’t kill each other over silly stuff. Instead, they saw themselves as a nation that stood the test of time. The government also needs to present a good image with cleaning up corruption as if they want the upcoming generations to actually believe them, they need to show the people they look good, show them that they are willing to clean themselves up to stop political swamps, deep states or factions. That’s how we can clean this country. 

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