By Jadeyn Contreras

Staff Writer   

 Recently I spent four days at Scicon and it was the best experience ever. Going back as a counselor is seriously something I wish everyone could do because it really changes you. You’re looking after around 6-13 kids 24/7 making sure they are following the rules, getting enough food on their plate, and they know where to go. It’s pretty challenging, especially being away from home but it is a really good time. You also bond with these kids and get to know them and where they come from and how they act. Just being a good role model to them makes you feel so good inside. We don’t realize it but these kids really look up to us and want to be like us, we make such an impact in their lives and they think we teenagers are so cool. It’s definitely a learning experience. The VC’s give you a lot of information to digest on the first day and you don’t want to say the wrong thing or instruct the kids to do the wrong thing because then you are responsible for it. But overall going to SCICON for the week as a counselor is a really exciting thing to do.

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