Kindness Week 2022


Staff Writer

February 15th through 18th was Kindness Week at El Diamante High School. Kindness Week is an annual event put on by the student leadership class at El Diamante. The week is based around Valentine’s Day and is full of love and kindness. ASB creates dress-up days and lunchtime activities for the week that have to do with kindness. The first dress-up day was class colors day, where students wore red, pink, white, or purple, based on their grade. ASB also cuts out individual hearts that have each student’s name on them that get taped around campus. Students usually look for the heart with their name on it around the school to keep. On Wednesday, the dress-up day was hippie day, where students wore tie-dye. The lunch activity was rock painting in the ASB room. Thursday was crazy hair day and the lunch activity was yoga in the dance room. Lastly, Friday was spirit day, and the lunch activity was chalk at the gym. Throughout the week, ASB also gave out clothespins and stickers with sweet phrases on them as students walked onto campus in the morning to spread love. Kindness week was a huge success, as kindness was definitely prominent on campus, thanks to the efforts of ASB. We should be kind every day, but one week is a good start to a kinder world. 

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