The difference between people who care and people who are careless


Staff Writer

There are two types of people in this world, those who care and those who don’t. I tend to deal with both types of people equally. The people who care are the people who tell you how good you are doing and do things for you that make you feel good. I’m not talking about materialistic items, I am talking about the most genuine people who check up on you when you are feeling down, and they notice when you are not feeling well without having to tell them. The people who care also just make you happy without even trying. They come and go if you tend to make wrong choices and mistakes easily, so hold to them tightly. Personally, I haven’t found many of those kinds of people. So don’t screw it up; Being a decent human being has been taught in general to just be kind.

 Careless people, The people you tend to see more often than not because they use a wall built up to keep them from getting their hearts broken. Society views these people as “horrid” or a “menace to society”, which honestly depends on the person. Half of the careless people are just mean on the inside and have no soul, metaphorically speaking. But the vast majority of careless people are just broken and have gone through a lot of trauma. Trauma negatively impacts people in ways that they don’t deserve. It always seems as if the bad people are just living long and healthy lives, and the genuinely good people get bad things. Careless people are more broken than anything but they shouldn’t put their trauma as a reason to be careless or just mean to others. People who care are viewed as top tier in society, and people who don’t care are viewed as the lowest. After all of these years, the world still judges people without knowing the full story. It’s an indescribable feeling that only if you’ve felt, you would understand. For instance, my friend who tried her best to care, and care, and care, and care…… gets treated the worst so eventually she doesn’t care anymore; about anyone and about anything. It’s painful hearing that so many people go through this and only very few are still genuinely happy and genuinely care. It’s hard in this day and age to care anymore. There is a lot of respect that should be given to those incredible people. 

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