Why You Should Get a Cat


Staff writer

Pets are great! Pets are companions that help keep our lives full and satisfied. They’re basically just cute little friends that depend on you. However, in the pet world, there has always been a huge debate – Cats or dogs? So, what’s the answer?

While both cats and dogs are adorable, in today’s day and age cats are the better choice. In 2021 COVID struck the world leaving us all isolated in self-quarantine. During this time people relied on pets for interaction and love. If you look at the pet adoptions during that time you can see that there just weren’t enough pets to go around as everyone wanted a furry companion. So why cats? Cats are just easier to take care of. Dogs require walks and need to be put outside often, which unfortunately some people just don’t have the means to do. Meanwhile, cats stay inside for the most part and have a litter box instead of the mandatory walk. Along with this, cats don’t need much work in the way of cleaning. Dogs tend to need to be washed at least once every two weeks due to digging or just overall playing. Cats on the other hand just don’t. Cats don’t dig since they’re inside and playing with them tends to be fairly clean. Cats also have a strong sense of personal hygiene so they just tend to stay cleaner than dogs. I know what some people are saying though – “But dogs show love and compassion and cats just don’t.” This is a good assessment to make. Dogs naturally like people and therefore are easier to bond with. If you want an animal that just loves to love and you have the resources I would suggest a dog. That being said, I still believe that cats are the better option. You don’t choose the cat, the cat chooses you. While cats at first tend to be hard to bond with, the wait is worth it. Once the cat starts warming up to you they’ll play with you often and partake in cuddle time with you. With cats, it is just more fulfilling to see you and your new roommate warming up to each other.

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