Russia is Launching an Invasion on Ukraine and Being Attacked by Missiles

By: Julian Vigil

Staff Writer

Ukraine was attacked by Russia on Tuesday the 22nd of February at 6AM Eastern European standard time. Ukraine was invaded and has since been attacked by fighter jets and bombing runs. The citizens of Ukraine are victims of the horrors of war because Russia chooses to invade and attack with missiles hitting citizens. The Ukrainian citizens are attempting to evacuate to Poland and other neighboring countries nearby. The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are all sending aid to Ukraine in their time of need. Putin continues to threaten the United States and other countries to keep them out of the conflict as if we got involved then they would not walk out of the war in the same one-piece if other countries were to get involved. Russia is going to continue their invasion into Ukraine and if they continue onto other countries then they will be stopped by America and everyone else should they not listen and stop where they are at. Russia may continue to invade other countries but nobody knows quite yet whether or not they will invade other countries but if they don’t stop where they are then many other countries will step in their way to stop them.


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