The Inner Beast

By Anonymous

Staff Writer

If only an adult would have been there to stop the insanity.

If only sanity had been able to prevail.

Man’s inner state wouldn’t have erupted like a volcano, contained for years upon end.

But savagery coated the island like a blanket of thick fog.

Intelligence was sure that the beast would never see the light of day, as it never had.

Civilization thought it would win as it always did.

However, Goodness saw what was yet to come and tried to warn the others.

Laughed off like a joke, Goodness cowered with true fear, for it knew what was coming.

The beast clawed and gnawed its way out from hiding.

Awakened, at last, a savage nature was presiding.

The beast lurked in the creepers, in the dark of night.

Not visible in broad daylight, but perfectly clear at night.

The beast was never thought to be real, but just another tale. 

But as society started to slip, it fell right into the beast’s grip.

What was once a fun island oasis, turned into survival of the fittest.

Civilization tripped, slipped, and fell while running from the beast.

With one swift swipe, the beast blinded Intelligence, blurring the lines between order and chaos.

The beast took delight in every crime it committed.

It hijacked what once was pure and good, coating it in the blood of savagery.

Yet, the beast never could show its face.

It had to hide its bloodthirsty eyes, for one knew what they would see if they looked it in the eye.

If you looked the beast in the eye, you would see your reflection staring back at you.

Goodness saw the beast for what it was.

Human nature at its finest.

The beast lives inside everyone.

Savage nature lurks within, waiting to pounce at the right time like a tiger to its prey.

The beast masquerades as order, but only a few can see through the facade.

And so, beware of your inner beast.

Do not deny its existence like Intelligence did.

Do not think you can be victorious over any threat, as Civilization did.

But look it in the eye, like Goodness did.

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