Christina Yuna Lee


Staff Writer

A 35-year-old woman, Christina Yuna Lee, from Manhattan was murdered in her apartment on Sunday, February 13, 2022. It was discovered that she was stabbed to death by a man by the name of Assamad Nash, 25, who had followed her up to her sixth-floor apartment. The apartment building owner, Brian Chin, announced that “he followed her up all six flights and she never even knew that he was there.” Dafna Yoran, a prosecutor, spoke out stating that Police rushed to the scene, first hearing screaming and crying for help, but then it went silent. The door was locked and police were having trouble getting into the apartment. They then heard another voice emerge, sounding like a woman saying, “‘We don’t need the police here – go away!’” A specialized police unit arrived and broke down the apartment door. They found Lee dead in her bathtub with more than 40 stab wounds across her body. The police found Nash hiding under a bed along with a knife, which was believed to be the murder weapon, hidden behind a dresser. Nash was charged with first-degree murder, burglary, and sexually motivated burglary. Along with this, he is getting held without bail. Prosecutors state that he will be facing a sentence of up to 25 years to life in prison if convicted.

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