Exercising Healthy Boundaries


Staff writer

Exercising healthy boundaries is crucial for your mental health. 

Setting boundaries is about deciding what is and is not acceptable for you. Your boundaries are based on your morals, things that are important to you, and things you value. Exercising healthy boundaries is key to self-care and self-respect. 

Learn what your boundaries are. Ask yourself, what is necessary to you and your mental health. For example, if spending time alone is important to you, you might wish to set boundaries on how much time you spend socializing with others. Map out areas you feel you should be enforcing your boundaries. 

Reflect on your boundaries (or lack of) in your everyday situations. It is important to recognize what drains you and what recharges you. Being more aware will help show you how you already exercise your boundaries and what you need to change.  

Exercise your right to say no. People with healthy boundaries are comfortable saying no and speaking out for what they need or believe in. You are always allowed to say no or to disagree with someone. 

You are not responsible for anyone’s reaction. Sometimes people will test you and the boundaries you enforce. It is important to remember it is only your responsibility to relay your boundaries. If a person does not respect them, it is their issue and not yours. 

Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries takes time and consciousness. It will not happen overnight. Being self-aware is the first key in the process. Take things at your own pace- it is up to you how quickly or slowly you decide to make changes. 

You are entitled to your boundaries. You have the right to self-care and preservation. It may feel like you are being selfish but enforcing your boundaries is necessary for your mental health. 

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