Sign Up for the El Diamante Volleyball Tournament


Staff Writer

In the past, El Diamante High School has been known for putting on a very fun and inclusive “buff ball” tournament towards the end of each school year, in early spring. Students are always ecstatic to take part in the tournament, as it fosters comradery and great student participation. Sadly, El Diamante has not held a volleyball tournament in the past two years due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t fret, however, because this year, the fantastic tournament is back at El Diamante. 

The 2022 El Diamante volleyball tournament will take place from March 14th to March 18th. The teams will be made up of six to eight players. There are some requirements for the teams. The teams must have at least one player from each gender, and have a player from each grade level (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior). In order to keep the competition fair, each team may only have one varsity volleyball player on their team. The teams can also have a student “coach” to assist them during the tournament if they wish. 

The teams will play in a double-elimination tournament and the games will be played during lunchtime in the gym. The winning team of the entire tournament will get to play in a volleyball game against a team of teachers later on in March. In order to take part in the tournament, each team must fill out a sign-up paper. All players must also sign a waiver in order to play. The sign-ups are due on Friday, March 11th, and the games begin the next Monday. Get your team signed up and show us what your volleyball team is made of. 

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