Elden Ring’s Massive Success


Staff Writer

Elden Ring had been exciting for Dark Souls fans for years after its initial announcement and has promised its players a new expansive open world with a souls-like combat and stat system along with riveting boss fights and improved graphics and multiplayer compatibility. Well, it seems like the game has given players everything they promised and people are absolutely loving it. Already the game has sold more copies off release than any other souls game by a wide margin, even beating out Dark Souls 3 by a whopping 26%. Players have been astounded with the riveting boss fights and incredible overall gameplay and with the overall lack of gaming content, in general, coming out recently. Elden RIng has attracted lots of people who are completely new to souls games, and of course, with new players, you get a lot of people complaining about the extreme difficulty. For those who don’t know, Souls games have always been valued for their challenge to the players and it’s extremely difficult and intricate boss fights that require the player to really master the game’s mechanics by the time they’ve reached the late games. Unfortunately for people who dislike the difficulty, there is no incredible weapon or piece of armor that is going to carry you through the game, in order to progress and enjoy the game in its entirety you’re just gonna have to get good at it. So despite many players complaining heavily online about its difficulty, old players who knew what they were getting into and new players who are up for the challenge have so far had nothing but good things to say about the game, and I myself am very excited to start my first official playthrough in the days to come.

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