High Hopes For El Diamante At The Pioneer Invitational


Staff Writer

Today is a very special day for El Diamante Track. The top 4 competitors in every event across a range of multiple teams have been invited to the Valley-famous Pioneer Invitational. This very special meet will consist of El Diamante, Mt Whitney, Golden West, Tulare Western, and Exeter Union. This is the first time in 3 years that the Pioneer Invitational will be officially hosted and not postponed. The Pioneer Invitational is a great opportunity for some of the top runners, throwers, and jumpers in the Valley to receive some exposure to each other. El Diamante will also be able to get a sneak peek at the competition for WYL while two other WYL schools will be there. This will also be a great opportunity for some of EL Diamante’s athletes to medal in their favorite events. Based on meet simulation and statistics, El Diamante really does have a big shot at taking this meet by a long haul. Come support the El Diamante Track Team today (Friday, March 11th) at 3:30pm on the Mt Whitney track. Go Miners!

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