We Are Addicted to Our Phones


Staff Writer

I believe that we are addicted to our phones. When someone feels their pocket and their phone is missing they go into a panic. Most teens feel lost without their phones and can’t even focus if their phone is taken. People have become very attached to their phones.

When you go out in public it’s rare to find someone who doesn’t own a smartphone. Phones are very useful for communication or for directions but we also use them for entertainment way too much. You are able to access social media on your phone so since people are always on their phones they are also always on social media which isn’t good for us. Social media makes you believe that everyone is always having a good time so it makes people feel bad about themselves. If they were to just put their phones down they would see how happy they could be if they spent time with their loved ones instead. 

People also lose their social skills when they spend too much time on their phones. They forgot how to talk in an actual conversation rather than texting. Even in classrooms, kids can’t focus because they want to check their phones. 

In conclusion, I believe we should all limit how much time we spend on our phones and focus on activities that matter more. 

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