In Motion Dance Team Auditions


Staff Writer

Are you a great dancer? Would you like to try and be on the In Motion Dance Team? Come join us for the workshop followed by the audition!

Wednesday at 3:30 pm in the dance room there will be a dance workshop held. This workshop consists of stretching, across the floor, and learning combos of multiple styles of dance. It is not required that you have been with the dance program in order to try out. As long as you are anywhere from 8th through 11th grade you are eligible to try out.

 Thursday tryouts are at 5:00 pm and you will be performing your skills and the combos that were learned. These are performed in front of a few judges, they will score you and you are free to go. The results will be posted later. 

If you are not interested in joining the team, you are welcome to come to the workshop and try out for a higher dance class. This could mean that someone in an intro to dance could try out for an advanced dance in order to skip intermediate. 

Be prepared to come with water, exercise clothes, and an open mind. We hope to see you there!

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