It Wasn’t Really Her


Staff Writer

People talked.

They built her up into this monstrosity of a person.

“She avoids those who supposedly wronged her like the plague”

That resulted from a simple misunderstanding at a party she never wanted to go to.

“She knows what she’s doing to make the other’s life miserable”

Yes, she did know what she was capable of, but she would never unleash it on the other.

“She trashes her friends’ reputations behind their backs”

Not completely. It was a conversation taken completely out of context. 

“She’ll ghost you out of pure spite”

No. She just needed space to grapple with the hardships of life.

“That girl is two-faced with everyone”

She’s not. She just has different levels of comfort around different people.

“She’s so closed off and refuses to share about what she’s going through”

She tried sharing with them, but they preached at her and called her the problem.

Yes, what they said had some truth to it, but she was not the villain they made her out to be. 

The rumors were never her.

The whispers on the street weren’t true.

She wasn’t perfect, but she wasn’t what they said.

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