Why Horse Sperm is so Expensive

By: Julian Vigil

Horse sperm is very expensive and the gold star winning #1st place horse’s sperm is 4.7$million dollars for a gallon. The reason that it is so expensive is that horses are not used for utility as much anymore and are mostly used for racing and other things like racing, and only good horse breeds are commonly making their sperm to sell for impregnating a mare. Horse sperm is the most expensive liquid on the planet and it is because it is from designer horses that are very fast and are very good at racing. The horse’s sperm is sold only for selective breeding and it is sold at a very high price to get some foals that will be trained from birth to be racehorses. Horse sperm is liquid gold. If you have a fast enough horse then your horse’s sperm is very expensive. If you have a mare then you can buy very expensive horse sperm and have a mare and refrigerate the rest of it that you did not use and use it later for another horse. If you raise the horse long enough to train it, the horse will be very fast and you can sell your horse’s sperm to use to other people.

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