Live Life With A Glass Half Full


Staff Writer

Being optimistic, or looking at the bright side of situations, promotes a better way of living. I find that living life with a positive attitude allows me to be a happier person. Surrounding myself with friends who are also positive and cheerful makes me feel good about myself, instead of being around those who always look at the negative side of things. In middle school, my soccer team worked really hard and went to the state championship, but sadly took second place. Although I was of course disappointed that we did not win, I decided to be happy that my team had gotten as far as we did, instead of being like my other teammates, who threw a fit because they were angry that we did not take first place. Instead, I was proud of myself and my team’s work, rather than being mad that we did not achieve our big goal of becoming state champions. 

Being optimistic also lifts others around you up, and helps to create a bright, positive environment. People are attracted to others who are encouraging and joyous, rather than pessimistic and negative. I began to understand this in junior high when I realized that one of my close friends was very negative all the time. Although she was one of my best friends, it made me not want to be around her as much because it felt as if she was bringing my mood down as well. Her negativity is what pushed me to strive to live my life with optimism each and every day. 

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